Location intelligence company Esri has released an updated global land-use/land-cover map based on the most up-to-date 10-meter Sentinel-2 satellite data.
In the update, the Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Time Series includes new data from 2023. The update has occurred every year since 2017. Year-over-year changes in the maps can help analysts and decision-makers better understand the impacts of earth processes and human activity on the environment.
Esri says organisations worldwide use updated land-cover maps to inform policy and sustainable development land management decisions.
“Users have the option to make year-over-year comparisons in global land cover today and into the future,” said Esri’s Sean Breyer. “Organisations like national government resource agencies often must use this data to define land-planning priorities and determine budget allocations. “
Last year, Esri released the Sentinel-2 Land Cover Explorer, a ready-to-use online application that allows anyone anywhere to easily observe change on these high-resolution global land cover maps.
Esri developed its Sentinel-2 10-Meter Land Use/Land Cover Time Series with European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 imagery hosted on the Microsoft Planetary Computer and with machine learning workflows developed by Esri Silver Partner Impact Observatory.
The global LULC time series is available online to more than ten million users of geographic information system (GIS) software through Esri’s ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. It can also be viewed on the Sentinel-2 Land Cover Explorer.