Building Ministers from around Australia have agreed to meet with key players in the construction industry to discuss the current challenges facing the construction sector.
The agreement to hold an Industry Forum was a decision of the Building Ministers’ Meeting.
Chaired by the Federal Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic, the Building Ministers’ Meeting discussed the next edition of the National Construction Code (NCC).
Plans to make EV charging easier in new homes and in non-residential and commercial buildings will be investigated for the next edition of the NCC.
Building Ministers are committed to ensuring Australia’s buildings are fit for the changing climate.
There was also agreement to task the Australian Building Codes Board with a number of new business plan priorities including the adequacy and equity of female sanitary facilities.
The next Building Ministers Meeting will be held September 2023.
“In response to concerns raised by the construction industry, I’m pleased to announce a forum to discuss supply chain issues, increased costs, and other pressures facing the construction sector,” said Minister for Industry and Science, the Hon Ed Husic.“I’m looking forward to engaging in constructive, face-to-face dialogue with key players in the construction industry. Australia’s building and construction industry has the potential to make a huge contribution to achieving net zero emissions. Improving access to EV infrastructure is a key pillar of the Government’s National Electric Vehicle Strategy, and it’s important the national building code also supports safe electric vehicle charging in buildings.”
The Building Ministers’ Meeting Communique is available at industry.gov.au/news/building-ministers-meeting